Ultimate Frisbee is a team game that combines the elements of football, basketball, and soccer. Teams of six players compete in the gym. When throwing the disc keep your arm parallel to the ground. Use your fine motor skills to catch the disc (your fingers) not your gross motor skills (your arms).
The Basic rules of Ultimate Frisbee:
The object of Ultimate Frisbee is to score a goal by passing the disc to a teammate positioned in the end zone. The team that scores receives one point.
The team that scores throws the disc from their end zone to their opponents, who are lined up in the other end zone. This is called a kickoff. The beginning of the game is also started with a kickoff.
No contact or holding is allowed.
Players cannot move while in possession of the disc. They must use a pivot foot as in basketball. After catching the disc a player gets two steps to stop and then gets a pivot foot.
The disc may be thrown in any direction but may not be handed off to a teammate
No more than one person may guard the person with the disc. The person guarding the person with the disc must give the thrower a three foot radius to allow him or her to make a pass.
The thrower gets five seconds to make a pass or it is considered a turnover.
The defensive team gains possession of the disc when their opponents fail to complete a pass, otherwise known as a turnover. Four ways turnovers are made are an incomplete pass, intercepted pass, the disc is thrown out of bounds, or the person in possession of the disc holds it for longer than five seconds.
The defensive team takes over an out-of bounds disc from where it went out of bounds.
Teams should make short passes rather than long passes. It is easier to complete shorter passes, and longer passes are easier to intercept. Longer passes are more likely to curve while in the air.